
Thursday, July 4, 2013

A little painting happening this week.......

 I'm sure this dresser and mirror I painted this week wouldn't suit all tastes but it's for a beach cottage with a seaglass theme - it's cheery and fun. This started out as a used dresser we bought 3 years ago that had already been painted white.....glossy white with cigarette burns on the top.....but it's a good piece of furniture and we got it for practically nothing.  It was always on the list of pieces to paint but I just got around to it this week. It makes me smile now whenever I walk in the bedroom. As I was painting it brought back memories of painting another dresser and mirror for my room at my parents beach house in Cape May Point, NJ. That was in the 60's and I was very influenced by Peter Maxx and pop art - I painted it bright orange & yellow - now I wonder what was I thinking but then I always did have to be a bit different and creative with everything I did. I'm sure someone is looking at the dresser above and wondering what in the world I did painting it those colors - hah!
 I don't know what these little tables are called but they're my favorite kind of table. My grandmother had one right inside her back door and I always loved it. In the past 3 years I've picked up 3 of these - two are painted white, this one the pale seaglass green. I almost had another one but Sam drew the line since I already had one in my hands at the register.....but never fear, when I see another in the future I will bring it home. I do have a dollar limit though - this one was only $10, one of the others also $10, the other $20 so I've now put my limit at $20 for one of these. If anyone knows the name of this type of book table please let me know.
There is a little weaving happening this week but very little. I got the floor inkle loom warped up with a really long warp and have started weaving it. I can't say what it's for - that will be seen come holiday time. I've done a little knitting (very little) and a little drop spindling (very little). I have tons of roving waiting to  be dyed but there's always another day......

Now off to put the first coat of paint on two more pieces I primed a few hours to follow once finished.


  1. It looks perfect Cindie, what a fun paint job!
    It just takes time for everything to come together. :)

  2. You are daring to paint the drawers different colors. It works! I like the drawer pulls -- are they original?

    Don't apologize for bright yellow and orange. Last year I painted an old shelf those colors and I still LOVE it.

    1. No, the drawer pulls aren't original. The ones that were on the drawers weren't original either, they were just plain ugly. These glass knobs are a bit bigger than I wanted but they were a bargain sale of 12 for $15 instead of $6.50 each for the ones I really wanted........this is all part of furnishing a beach cottage on a shoe string.

  3. That little table is cute! I've seen some of those lately in antique stores. I never heard of an inkle floor loom. That would be nice. I've only seen the table top kind. I hope to try inkle weaving someday. Looks like fun.

    1. The floor inkle loom is made by Leclerc, I bought it used almost 20 years ago and love it. I can put a much longer warp on it than a table top model and it's easier weaving than needing to use a table, have the correct height, loom sliding around.

  4. What fun colors! The great thing about paint is it's a cheap way to give a room or, in your case, a piece of furniture a new look!


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