
Sunday, July 7, 2013

A bit more painting......

Another bit of painting from this past week - this cute little Monterey table. It's in the bedroom where the dresser I painted earlier this week resides. It sits right where it can be seen from anyone walking down the hallway to the other bedrooms, bathroom or laundry room. I also painted a vanity bench but haven't recovered the top yet so didn't bother with a picture. I guess I better get moving on making the quilt top for that bedroom, get it machine quilted, and on the bed, leftovers from making the quilt will be put to use recovering the vanity bench. I think the fabrics have aged sat around quite long enough waiting for me to get started on them....almost 3 years now. That's what happens when one is always trying to make a living with fiber, not enough time leftover for my own projects.

Hmm, the print above the table appears to be hanging crooked.....but I know it's not. I found the print in an etsy shop at a great price then had it framed at Michaels during one of those 60% off framing sales.


  1. That's a really cute table! It must be so fun and feel so great to be completing all these projects. :-D

    1. Yes, it is great to get those painting projects finished up. I do have one more little table to paint at some point and a couple shelves in the bathrooms but not sure what color I want to paint the shelves yet so they'll wait until I figure that out.

  2. I wonder why it's called a Montery table -- after the place in California? Also, I think your hands were tilted when you took the photo, which is why the picture looks crooked. This happens to me all the time, so I end up rotating the image just 1 or 2 degrees in Photoshop.

    1. I don't know much about Monterey furniture other than that it did come out of California in the 30's & 40's - generally many layers of finish to appear painted although the knots in the wood showed through. The only reason I know it's Monterey is because I was told that by the seller.....didn't matter to me, just liked it. This was another piece we acquired that had cigarette burns on it.


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