
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

In the Pink.......

We spent the holiday weekend on the coast - no fiber, other than a tiny bit of knitting done - lots of walking on the beach. I also painted a coffee table white - it looks great. I couldn't resist going in the quilt shop, Forget Me Knots Quilt Shop, since they were having a sale. I'm always on the lookout for sea/beach inspired fabrics for my quilts......which will be started soon........which I don't really need to be buying anymore fabric for........I found these great fabrics that instead will be made into an apron. I can't believe they had pink sand dollar fabric, and then the cute little blues/pinks fish scales. I bought the two fabrics on Sunday but then had to go back on Monday before heading home to buy the matching panels - how could I resist the cute mermaids - there are 4 different panel designs, 2 mermaids, porpoises and seahorses. I may make a couple pot holders and hot pads from the panels. Now into the washer all this fabric goes so I can whip up an apron.......pattern undecided as of yet.......I've got several......of course.......

So, keeping with the pink theme I'm going to give away this Fibersphere - it's a round ball that opens up to hold a ball of yarn and protect it while you're knitting or crocheting. To be eligible for the give away just make a comment to this post, be sure I'm able to contact you either thru blogger or by putting your email address in your comment. I will pull a winner using a random number generator on Friday morning. I'll post the winner and contact that person, if I can't contact the winner and I haven't heard from the winner by Monday morning I'll pull another name. Open to US and Canadian residents only.


  1. Cali would love this. She's a knitter.
    Hope all is well with you. Take Care

  2. I love the sand dollar fabric....perfect to remind you of the beach weekend.

  3. I LOVE PINK!!!! (but you already know that, don't you!) Looks like you got some great fabric ... that sand dollar fabric is really wonderful.


  4. Hi I found you from the weaving list, the giveaway looks fun-thanks for the chance Kathy

  5. would love to win! hansbrough (at) yahoo (dot) com. thank you!


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