
Sunday, May 12, 2013

I'm still here....just busy as all get out.....

First off - this is not my sweater. This is my friend Kathy's (who should have a blog) handspun handknit sweater which is the product of some of my hand-dyed roving (SW BFL in Golden Turk colorway which is currently sold out). It's a cute adult short sweater - so cute I'm going to go find the magazine in my stash with the pattern.

It's been over a week since I last posted - I've been busy, well, busy part of the time. Our 30th anniversary was earlier this week so Sam surprised me by taking 3 days off work - we left for the coast Saturday morning after a community concert Friday evening, and came home Wednesday evening. It was a great relaxed time with walking on the beach, reading, painting a few pieces of furniture and just plain old relaxing. Oh, and dinner out at The Loft - I've written about this restaurant before - it's one of those places where all we talked about during dinner was how good each bite of food was.

Thursday was spent baking for my guild hostessing duties, catching up on business, shopping,  finishing up a mother's day gift, packing and shipping orders, doing laundry.  Friday was spent sitting the WeGO (Weaving Guilds of Oregon) traveling exhibit in which I have 2 pieces......the exhibit is traveling the state for a year and May is the month our guilds host it at a gallery in Jacksonville, OR. We had some very interested visitors in the morning but it was slow in the afternoon so my friend Kathy and I sat and  spun and caught up (that's when I got the picture of her sweater above). I stayed a little while for the opening reception in the evening. Then yesterday was the monthly weaving guild meeting (which I baked for) - it was held at the gallery so members could see the exhibit. In a few hours I'll be heading to town to pick up my mother and bring her to our place for the day and dinner. Tomorrow I crash......and pack up orders to ship, hem 13 handwoven towels, maybe get some pix up on the blog of the traveling exhibit and if I get to it start weighing out roving to go in one of my etsy shops.........boring job, I usually put on a movie or book on cd......

Happy Mother's Day to all of you mother's out there whether it's to 2 or 4 legged kids.....

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