
Monday, April 22, 2013

A bit of weaving.......

Only a bit of weaving today on the scarf warp - my back is bothering from way too much walking over the weekend on the coast........2 long walks each day, really long walks, and lots of bending over picking up shells off the beach.

This scarf I used a teal weft, it's nice, not as eye popping as the black weft but I like it.  Next scarf with be another one using the black weft.


  1. Very pretty Cindie, so underwater looking. Hope your back is feeling better, but I bet a certain someone enjoyed both those long walks quite a lot! :)

  2. i am really loving this scarf with the painted warp! it reminds me of seaweed gently bobbing along. hmmm maybe a dark green weft? just gorgeous!

  3. This pattern looks so three dimensional. It's amazing! Love it!

  4. It's three dimensional - fools the eye - plus the pattern is really nice. Something to aspire to.

  5. I love this! So unique and pretty!
    May I ask what the pattern is??

    1. The pattern is one I got out of the Complex Weavers book that was a design by Ivy DeHart. The original draft was a 32H pattern - I turned it so it would run lengthwise on the scarf, then it became a 20H pattern.

    2. Would you like to share the pattern?

    3. It's from the book I mentioned above - Complex Weavers book called Complex Weavers Greatest Hits which is put out by the Complex Weavers organization. I turned the draft to change it. Here's the link to buy the book -

    4. I joined Complex Weavers and I see a number of books with the title "Complex Weavers Greatest Hits" which is the correct one with the Ivy DeHart pattern?

    5. Oh my gosh - thank you for this question. When I went to look it up I found that it didn't come from that book. It is by Ivy DeHart but I got it off the website. It was originally 32 shafts but I turned it and it became 20 shafts. On that book - I don't know if there are a number of them with that title - I only know of the one I have and a new book recently published by Complex Weavers.

  6. theresa aka fibercroneMarch 18, 2014 at 7:37 PM

    I saw this on Pinterest and repinned it. It is fluttering around in my mind even when I'm not on Pinterest or thinking about weaving. ... beautiful on so many levels.

  7. Is there a pattern even close that can be made on an eight harness 10 treddle loom? Ths is so beautiful.

    1. I don't know of a pattern that can be done on 8 harnesses that might look close to this but there might be one out there that would have a similar look. Try looking at drafts on to see if there's an 8 harness draft that will have a similar feeling. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  8. This scarf is so beautiful. I am wondering if there is an pattern close to this that can be done on a 8 harness 10 treddle loom.

  9. How many shafts does this pattern require?

    1. It's 20 shafts. In my answer to a comment above you can find where to get the draft. It was originally 32 harnesses but I turned it and it became 20.

  10. This is beautiful! I love it. I do not have a 20-shaft loom nor do I have access to one, but I will definitely play and try to assimulate something similar on my 8 shaft. Thank you for inspiring me to new waves in weaving.

  11. Love the colors. Do I see just 3 different colors in the warp?
    Thanks, Kit

    1. In dyeing I think I used 3 colors in some sections of the warp but then they would have blended creating other shades. The other stripes were another color.

  12. What was the teal yarn you used very pretty?

  13. I don't remember the color name for the teal (if it wasn't just teal) but it was tencel from Webs, my guess is that they still have it.

  14. Would you be able to tell us the draft number from

    1. For some reason I didn't have the draft number from so I just searched for it. It's #8072 by Ivy DeHart.


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