
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Sewing Expo

 This is the van loaded up with our stuff on the way up to Sewing Expo in Puyallup, WA
 This is a picture of it coming home - we still had tons of space - what were we thinking?!!!
Some of my scores - some beautiful silks and sheers from the Vogue booth and fun patterns. I took a class on sewing with sheers so hopefully this summer's sewing will be easier than last year's with the sheer fabrics.
 Quilting supplies......
Webbing for woven bag handles and some fun ribbons to embellish those bags with.

Great shell fabrics that I had seen via the internet and went on the search for. Yes, these are for those quilts for the beach cottage that I've bought other fabrics for over 2 years ago - I'm determined this is the year to get them sewn.
Here's a couple more - bought these at The Mill End store in Portland, OR.  You didn't think we only shopped at the Sewing Expo did you? We shopped on the trip up; Trader Joe's, Shipwreck Beads - then on the way home at Ikea, Fabric Depot and The Mill End Store.


  1. Looks like you got lots of great stuff! :-)

  2. i live in puyallup and i have never been to that expo :) but i love shipwreck beads!

  3. Heather you should check it out next year - it's very fun. Lots of inexpensive, downright cheap, classes, free style shows on 2 stages all day - and then all the vendors! The class list is usually out in December - registration the first week of January.

  4. I used to go to the expo several years ago, in the late '90s. I lived two hours north of Puyallup. What fun! Living on the Oregon coast now so if I went I would do many of the same stops you did. Looks like you had a good time!


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