
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Here's what the spinning 'stuff' is looking like. I'm spinning it fairly thin but then there are lump and bumps where ribbon and mohair locks are in the mix. I'm hoping it will turn into a very fun yarn. One ribbon in the mix just won't stay, it slides right off as soon as I spin it with the wool, the other ribbon stays just fine. A friend suggested I cut it in half lengthwise so will give that a try.....if it doesn't work I'll just ignore it as I come to it in the mix.

The plan for today was to get a painted warp on the loom for more dragonflies - I got it wound on the back beam but never threaded the heddles or reed - I just wasn't 'feeling' it. Instead I took some pictures of scarves to list in the etsy shop and some more stash roving sale for the other etsy shop.....some of which sold within 30 minutes of me listing it - it is a bargain. Still waiting in the wings is to finish putting 2012 business expenses in excel and gathering all our 'stuff' for taxes so we can sit down with Turbo Tax Home & Business and knock those out this month. I'd really rather be taking all and dumping it at an accountant's office but every year Sam convinces me we can do it.......of course the we is 95% me.


  1. OMG, lovely colors in that yarn Cindie! Some of my favorites. And wow, just catching up on your expo trip. LOVE those Ala Mode patterns and the vesper one. Are the two t's for knits or wovens? Some lovely fabrics too. I'm sending off my quilt top pieces precut to MA ahead of my trip, so I have something to work on while I'm there.

    1. The T with the overpiece says that top piece is for a sheer, underneath can be light weight wovens or knits. The other T says light weight wovens. I suppose I should have looked for fabric for the T's, other than just the sheers I bought, but I was overwhelmed at that point and didn't want to be on the search for that - will look for fabrics in the near future to go with the sheers.

  2. Cindie, the yarn is bright and cheerful - lots of bouncy fun!


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