
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Still plugging away......

Still plugging away at the dragonfly scarves after a long weekend getaway to the coast. Just finished weaving this last scarf and they're all sitting in a sink of soapy water right now. Original plan was to go ahead and get the painted warp on the loom for more dragonfly scarves but then I thought best of it - am waiting until the scarves that just came off are dry so I can make sure I want to use that warp for more dragonflies. I don't often do the smart thing but thought I would be responsible today.
I finished knitting these slouch socks this past weekend, I worked on them at the spinning group that meets on the coast and then finished them up the next day. They're made out of Universal Yarn  Bamboo Sock yarn - they're going to feel great on my feet. Lesson learned - don't leave sock knitting on the needles for close to a year - too easy to forget what I was doing. Can you see the boo-boo on the toe decrease? Sock #1 decreased with 1 stitch on either side of the decrease, sock #2 I forgot what I had done and decreased with 2 stitches on either side of the decrease. I could have ripped it out once finished and fixed it but they're for me, my feet will never know, nor will anyone else.........unless they read my blog.


  1. And they are fine socks regardless! Pretty colors and cute pattern. You've made this pattern before I seem to remember. Can't wait to see those scarves all finished!

  2. Yes, I've made this sock pattern before - it's very fun to knit and to wear


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