
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Sam's sox.....

Finally I have finished knitting Sam's socks that I started right before Christmas. I put the ball of yarn with a started sock on the needles in his Christmas stocking. I just haven't been knitting much....decided these needed to get off the needles. I made great progress during the Super Bowl and then finished the second sock up today at my spinning group - whoo hoo.  And those of you who know Sam are well aware that these are pretty 'out there' for him, he's a pretty conservative dresser.  Now on to the other pair of sox that have been on the needles for probably a year. I'm feeling the need to finish up a few projects before starting new.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Finishing projects always feels so good. Nice socks. I like the blues in that yarn.


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