
Friday, December 14, 2012

Sheep giveaway winner(s)

Well, it seems like not too many were interested in my sheep giveaway. In the spirit of the holiday season all 3 of you will get sheep!  Martha of Thistle Rose Weaving is the official winner of the two sheep in the giveway......but I've got a small sheep for both Theresa and Deanna too. I have addresses already for Martha and Theresa - Deanna please send me your snail mail address -  cindiesam at yahoo dot com.   Hmm, now what to do with all those other sheep that need homes......might have to revisit a giveaway once everyone has gotten through the holidays........or come up with a plan b......


  1. Congrats to all the sheep winners! :-D

  2. Whoot, whoot! Thank you for the little sheep, they will have good company in my ever growing collection. Merry, merry!


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