
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Give me a break.....

It's not noticeable in this picture but it's snowing to beat the band again, tire tracks down the long driveway are covered up. Enough is enough - it may or may not snow Christmas Day but we will definitely be having a white Christmas as it won't be melting anytime soon. I am considering myself lucky - we could be at Theresa's elevation just to the east of us, or I could be Yvonne who is 5 miles up the road from me and still doesn't have power. We are prepared for another outage, tubs filled with water for flushing toilets, laundry being done right now and a new UPS battery back up for the AVL so if the power blips or goes out while I'm threading and weaving today I have time to shut it down without an issue. One of Sam's chores today is to drain the gas out of the small generator, add new and see if it starts up - it hasn't been used in years.   Gee, just noticed this picture is similar to the one I posted the other day - guess that's what happens when one doesn't step off the deck to get a different view.

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