
Monday, November 26, 2012

Nothing much to show.......

Nothing much to show lately as I'm still working on gifts and can't post pictures of them. We did spend 3 days on the coast this weekend for some R&R, did a little knitting.

We ate dinner at one of our favorite restaurants in Bandon, The Loft. If you want to read a description of the food check out my post of October 22nd, I had the same thing because it was so good last time. It is to die for, Sam asked our server Roxie if it would be bad manners if he licked his plate.......he didn't, but did use the foccacia to sop up the rest of the sauce from his locally grown steak. If you're ever in Bandon be sure to try The Loft. We can't afford to eat there everytime we're on the coast but yesterday was my birthday and today is Sam's so it was our birthday dinner.......hmm, wonder what excuse we can find next time to eat there.

Our server at The Loft, Roxie, is also at the grower's market on Fridays and Saturdays over there selling her son's tuna caught off the Oregon coast. It's wonderful and I have picked up some lots for gifts. Check out the site of Ocean Harvest if you're interested in locally caught tuna. It's now coming in these nice little pouches.

Today finally took pictures of embroidered towels for my etsy shop, got pictures edited and a few towels up in the shop, many more to go.........


  1. A belated, Happy Birthday. Its so nice that you are able to getaway to the coast.

  2. Happy Birthday to both of you! It sounds like a wonderful weekend and a fabulous dinner. That restaurant sounds really fun!

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Your dual b-day dinner sounds marvelous
    and I'm glad you got away to the coast for the long weekend. I am so envious, but the mountains were sunny and pleasant. I keep wondering when the real winter is going to hit.


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