
Monday, November 19, 2012

I recently bought this incredible perpetual calendar/date book. It's been around 2 years in the making by the guild over in Brookings on the coast, Webfoot Weavers.....a small guild with a number of newer weavers who had never worked with the fine threads used for the date book. Mine was hand delivered to me in my booth at Fiber Mania last weekend right off the looms/press. I apologize for the color/pictures - I am still learning getting irritated with my new camera. I kick myself daily for dropping and totally breaking my other one. I just can't seem to get colors true and close-ups good with this one even though pictures should be way better what I could get with the old one.
This date book is so professionally done - kudos to the Webfoots. There is an acetate cover but I flipped it over for this picture as with it on I couldn't get a good picture - argh, camera learning curve.
Here's one of the months.....and below is another......there are drafts included for each handwoven sample, and a few pages for each month to write birthdays, anniversaries or whatever. On the bottom of the pages are little tidbits of info to go with each month.
If anyone else is interested in buying one of these just drop me an email (email address on the side bar) or put a comment to this post with your contact info and I'll send you the email for the contact person of the Webfoot Weaver's. The book is $35, plus shipping.

So back to the camera issue - we also got a new desktop computer which I estimate arrived just in the nick of time before the old one would have crashed. It's a Dell, like the old one, which lasted for  years trouble free. But my pictures didn't dump where I wanted them to so yet another challenge to figure out. I need to take pictures of embroidered towels to list them in the etsy shop but the ones I took today are just not up to par. Think I need to move on to doing something else less aggravating and get help this evening.


  1. What a cool datebook. I assume the swatches are photos, not actual woven samples?


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