
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

So small are my problems.....

So small are my problems in light of what has been going on over on the east coast. My heart felt concern goes out to all experiencing the devastation left in Sandy's path which will affect them all for a long time to come. I'm originally from the DC metro area and have family and friends there - all are fine, no major issues other than short periods of no power. I grew up spending my summers in Cape May Point on the Jersey shore at my parents beach cottage, which later became their retirement home - there is some damage and flooding there but nothing like in Atlantic City just 45 minutes to the north - they were spared the worst of it.

I have nothing to share picture wise, no new weaving going on, no spinning, no knitting, just shipping out lots of orders (yes, that's a good thing) and getting ready for Fiber Mania. So you get to see a picture of Bailey on this rainy but mild morning in one of his favorite spots on the guestroom bed right behind me as I type. That's his quilt on the bed covering the 'real' quilt. He is staring at my back right now wondering when we are going for a walk......should have done that an hour ago when it was just a steady rain, not raining pitchforks and shovels as my friend JoAnn on the coast says.

It's been a challenge writing this post, my desktop computer is failing, a new Dell is en route as I type. I've had to reboot 3 times in the past 30 minutes. Sunday evening was a marathon fix on the ipad which started with upgrading the operating system as required by 'the square' credit card swiper - 6 hours later, hardware failure, restore done, it looks like the ipad is fine again and I'll hopefully be swiping lots of cards using it at Fiber Mania. Now if I could just get faster internet, our only option is dsl that's almost as slow as dial-up these days.

I have been playing with the WeavePoint software for my AVL loom - working on my gingko leaf draft. It's a challenge as I've already forgotten much I learned in the recent 3 day workshop, luckily I have a good workbook that goes with the workshop. I may not be designing my gingkos the easiest way but it's a start, hopefully I'll get more time on the project today......I'm anxious to get a warp on the loom to give them a try.


  1. Congrats on the new computer and I feel for you on the slow computer. We are somewhat better with the new upgraded satellite but it sure isn't like my folks cable which clicks along always at a good fast speed.

  2. Oh and adorable picture of Bailey! Can you feel his eyes boring into your back? ;)


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