
Friday, October 19, 2012

It's here!

As I start to type this post it's the 5 minute count down to the opening of Trader Joe's here in SW Oregon - whoo hoo. No more stopping in Eugene (2 hours north of my house) when traveling to shop at TJ's. I was watching the early morning local news and saw that there was already a line to get in the door. It's going to be a zoo in the store for quite a while.....I won't be venturing in until it calms down a bit. I sure hope there's a segment on the evening news showing what a madhouse it was this morning. So, I did what any other self-respecting TJ's fan would do I checked out the Fearless Flyer newsletter on the website to see what's new - so much pumpkin. Whoo hoo again. I love anything pumpkin. My first time through the store I may have a cart filled with everything pumpkin including dog treats, Bailey needs his pumpkin fix too. TJ's is not in my town but a 40 minute drive away in Medford so I won't be a weekly shopper but I'll get over there at least once a month, maybe more and here's the big plus - Sam's place of employment is less than a 1/4 mile away, he has to pass TJ's to get to work. He's doesn't like grocery shopping but I think I'll be able to con convince him to stop when I have a short shopping list.

I haven't mentioned Fiber Mania yet this fall on the blog. It's the 3rd year for this event. I'll be there once again just inside the door with my booth filled with a riot of colorful roving and my handwovens. If you're in SW Oregon on November 10th-11th stop by and say hi. Very fun to have this event in my own town.

On the fiber front - nothing much happening, have spent my time since the WeavePoint workshop playing catch-up.....this weekend I will be working on designing my next, hopefully, weaving project in  the WeavePoint software, maybe using one of those recently painted warps.


  1. How exciting! Congratulations! Trader Joe's rocks! I love Trader Joe's! Isn't that funny to say about a grocery store?! I keep hoping we'll get one in our town. Currently, I have to drive 20-30 minutes to the closest ones. Not bad but closer would be nicer...especially with the almost $5 per gallon gas prices we've had lately. But, I go about once a week. I'm heading over there this morning. It's almost always super crowded at our's. So, I always try to go early to avoid the rush. Have a great weekend!

  2. Thanks for the heads up! I knew it was opening soon, but since I rarely catch the local news, word of mouth was my best bet! ;)

  3. I will try to no longer take my TJ's for granted. It's only a few miles away, yet I never seem to get there.


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