
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A big oops.....

Big oops today - I dropped my camera for the second time. I dropped it over a year ago and cracked a bit of the lens case (or whatever it's called) but it's been fine. Well, I dropped it again today and did it in - lens won't retract anymore, can't download pictures, makes a grinding noise when I turn it on. So I pulled out the camera my cousin gave me that had been my aunt's. I've used it, but not for photographing my weaving, hadn't switched over to it because I hadn't taken the time to learn it. I guess I'm going to have to now - these are my first pictures using it and they're not very clear, resolution isn't very high, need to figure out how to adjust that. It's not the same quality camera I have been using but it's pretty close. This evening I'll be reading the manual, hopefully there is a print one in the box. I sure don't look forward to having to retake all the pictures I took today but that will probably end up happening.

These are 2 of the 4 scarves I took off the loom last week. I got the draft out of the Complex Weaver's Book. I haven't had the time to learn the ins and outs of the WeavePoint software yet so have been searching for drafts like this one that I wove as it is or others that I've altered. This coming up Sunday thru Tuesday I'll be taking a 3 day intensive workshop in WeavePoint with 3 other local fiber friends - I am so excited. We're bringing Jannie Taylor here to us for the workshop. I'm hoping by the time it's over I'll be designing my own drafts - on the top of the list is gingko leaves and dragonflies - would love to do something for our Christmas card this year too......if I can find more hours in my day......


  1. Oh bummer on the camera! Maybe it's fixable, although it would seem repair places have gone the way o horse & buggy. Most expect you to just throw it out and buy a new one.
    Have fun at the intensive!

    1. Unfortunately I doubt the camera is worth fixing - it was a mid-priced one when bought but now it can be replaced for less than a fix would cost....and since I have this other one I don't have to buy another....last night without a manual Sam changed the resolution and I learned what each setting means so today I'll retake pictures and they should (I hope) be good quality. It really bothers me that so many things are disposable these days but it never seems to make sense $$$ wise to fix - I think it's planned that way.

  2. The scarves are just beautiful, each one is special...I want one!!!!!

  3. For online viewing, you don't need very high resolution -- 96 dpi max. I think the hardest part is getting the colors right (so using the white balance control).

    Thanks for a great visit! I can't wait to show the scarf to my friends.

  4. So pretty and I love how you did the fringe.

  5. I think your camera did fine because the scarves look gorgeous to me.

  6. Wow, the scarves are stunners! I've gotta join the Complex Weavers if that's a sample of what they make available!


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