
Saturday, September 8, 2012

Cranberries galore....

This weekend is the Cranberry Festival in Bandon by the Sea. The day started with the oh so fun small town parade. Looked like most of the high school was in the parade either as a football player, cheerleader, volleyball player or in the band. Love the small town atmosphere. No parade pix because I just couldn't be bothered.....  We got our fair share of free cranberry yummies at the fest......
I got to meet Blossom Merz - The Weaving Monk - what a nice nice to meet him in person after following his blog for a while.
Here he is wearing one of his ruanas in front of a color gamp for the next warp to be woven. I love his color sense and the way he mixes and gradates colors in the warp.
With the chilly marine layer this morning these sure looked toasty. Wish my pictures were better but they were taken with the cell. Oh, and the first pictures I took I forgot to hit the save button so Sam took some more for me.
Some more color choices.
This picture is much clearer. All his colorways are beautiful but I especially like those woven on the mostly black warp, stunning colors. I hope he's very successful this weekend....and hope to see him again in the future as he lives in my region now.

Had a few other things planned this afternoon but we got in the van to find a sensor light on for low tire, which one who knew - Sam pumped up the two front ones and off we went to Les Schwab over 20 miles away. We were concerned because last night we ran over a recently creamed large deer or elk on the road in the dark - we didn't see it until too late to swerve around it without flipping the van. Blood on the tires but no bones stuck in them (gross, huh?) best guess is that the bead was loosened so some air leaked out. Keeping our fingers crossed that all is well now.


  1. Ooooh...those handwoven jackets and wraps look wonderful! The colors are so pretty and they look soft and cozy. Your chilly, marine layered morning sounds wonderful! We had blistering hot temps again today. I'm SO ready for cooler weather. The cranberry festival sounds like fun and I love cranberries!

  2. Lovely weaving, I would have been tempted to grab a green or a red one! Hope the tire is just fine. Sounds like a wonderful weekend. When you say your area are you talking home or beach house?

  3. I didn't know his name or that he had a blog, but I met him at a craft show in Bend last year. He had a LeClerc Artisat and was weaving off a 40 yard warp of dishtowels on a sectional beam he had improvised. And ironically, we had a flat tire and had to visit Les Schwab on that trip too.


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