
Friday, June 15, 2012

In a funk....try mini-blueberry pies

Ok, so the funk hasn't totally lifted, but feeling better as I make decisions and cross another item off the list. Not sure what's up today other than frittering of my morning so I decided why not use some of those blueberries to make mini-blueberry pies.....blueberry pie is my favorite. Ok, so they're not really pretty, they don't look like those Bumbleberry Blossoms Costco used to carry around the holidays...but they'll be great with a scoop of vanilla bean ice cream.....when I go out and buy some........  I used storebought pie crust, cut each crust in quarters, smooshed it into the monster sized muffin tins, threw in some blueberries, a little sugar, cinnamon, butter and oatmeal on top. I think hope they'll taste great. Going to freeze half and see how that works.

Local blueberries aren't in yet but it won't be long........I'm a regular at the blueberry farm, I think those gals wonder what I'm doing with all those blueberries, they're speaking spanish when I leave probably saying there's that crazy lady that comes in 3 times a week for flats of blueberries........ I make jam, pies, muffins, crisp, on cereal, in yogurt, in fruit salad....just one big blueberry summer. For those of you in Southern Oregon I'll share where I buy my blueberries - it's a Townsend Farm blueberry farm located on the Applegate River with the berries being sold next door on Helms Rd in South Grants Pass. I used to go to Blueberry Hill in Crescent City, CA until this farm went in several years ago. My mouth is watering just thinking about those local blueberries......

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