
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Black sheep, black sheep have you any wool???

Yesterday was a whirlwind day trip 2 hours north to the Black Sheep Gathering in Eugene with good friend Pat. I haven't been in a few years, sometimes there is fiber overload with so many festivals/conferences within a 2 month period of time. It was fun to visit with fiber friends and browse the booths. I only bought a few things for myself - picked up some things for others, always fun to spend someone else's money. I just don't need much these days - between my own stash and the fibers I sell there's not much out there that tempts me and if there is it can really damage the checkbook like when I bought the Hansen e-spinner at OFFF last fall. We made the required stop at Bronx Bagels in Sutherlin for breakfast on the way, then Trader Joe's to pick up a salad for lunch. Then to BSG - some change in vendors, some great, some just ok. After we had seen as much as we wanted we headed back to Trader Joe's for major shopping and a stop at the big TJ Maxx Home store across the street. Then back home again. It rained off and on all day but the worst rain fell on us driving home - it was horrendous - what's with this rain in June, this is Southern Oregon - it stops raining June through September, rarely a drop. So, was I glad I went this year - yes, it was a fun day.


  1. Funny how high you ranked Trader Joes with the BSG vendors.

  2. Lucky you! I haven't been in even longer to BSG. But what crappy weather for it. Mind you I'm not complaining, rain in late June is not a bad thing, but man it's cold too. We have fired up Rube the wood boiler for the last two days and Gene is fielding all sorts of calls about burning. Rain or not, it is officially fire season and there is NO open burning.
    When does the TJ's open in Medford?

    1. Not sure when TJ's opens in Medford. Have heard reports that it would be July but then others that it will be in the fall. Sam passes by it to and from work - says it's well underway but definitely not July.


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