
Monday, April 2, 2012

On the loom revisited

Kathy asked if I could point her in the direction of the current draft I'm weaving. It's on the website and is a 32 shaft pattern called Ivy DeHart, #61265. I didn't want a horizontal design so I turned the draft which made it 20 shafts so she'll be able to weave it on her new to her 24 H AVL.
(whoops update - wrong Kathy....was assuming it was a Kathy I knew that recently got an AVL - but now everyone has the draft info)


  1. Unfortunately, I'm a different Kathy--no 24H loom, just my lovely 8H Macomber. Sorry about the requirements of that pattern--it's really lovely!

  2. Sorry about that but I know you're loving your Macomber - I've had a 10 harness one since 1986 and will always have it in my studio - I love it, it's my all time favorite loom.


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