
Monday, March 12, 2012

No ranting today......

Well, no rants here after doing taxes yesterday..... a bit of a headache after spending hours on it but all went well. I was really glad Turbo Tax Home & Business starts with the business since it's the most complex, by the time we got to the personal stuff it was a snap. Big job out of the way.....I know everyone breathes a sigh of relief once taxes are done and filed, even if you don't do them yourself.
After finishing taxes I needed to decompress so I spent the evening plying this merino/shetland blend from SporFarm. She has beautifully prepared batts. If she had a website I'd put a link here but she doesn't - she is always at Black Sheep Gathering and Oregon Flock & Fiber Festival and occasionally the NWRSA conference. I have around 1070 yards.....needs to be washed and blocked, then on the shelf while I figure out what it will grow up to be.
I decided I want to knit the vest below, it's a free pattern from Cascade Yarn. I really want to knit it in handspun but do you think I have enough of any one colorway to do it - no! (well except for the one above but I don't want to use that). I'm short just a bit of several colorways. So then I checked my yarn stash and the only yarn I found in the correct size (DK weight) is in a dark red and I don't want a dark red one, at least not right now. So, I've pulled out some Ashland Bay Merino/Tussah in the DelMar colorway to spin up for it, will be starting on it tonight - that' a picture of it above, I love the sea colors with touches of a bright lime green.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a big fan of Cascade Yarn patterns, very classy. I'm running into a wall with handspun yarns and knitting. I don't seem to be able to find a pattern that will make what I'd be willing to wear.


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