
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Year of the Wheel

Is this going to be the year of the wheel for me now that I'm speeding along with my Hansen mini-spinner? I still don't spend that much time spinning but today was our bi-monthly spinning get together/gab session and I got this beautiful wool started. This is a shetland/merino blended batt from Spor-Farm. I sure wish she'd get a website up and running since I'm always mentioning her batts in either my blog or on our spinning group blog....beautiful heathery blends. She always has a booth at Black Sheep Gathering and Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival. This colorway is called Apple Tree. I'm going to ply it with another one of her blends called Olive which is just a shade darker than this. I've got a pound total to spin.


  1. What a beautiful color, you know how I love greens! I've heard nothing but amazing things about those Hansen spinners! How is plying on it?

  2. you know, I keep going back and forth on a mini-spinner. The limiting factor in my spinning is my speed of drafting, not my speed in treadling....I seldom use the smallest whorls for that reason.

    Am I missing something in my reasoning?

  3. I always love to ply a light and dark together. It gives an artificial sparkle effect. Please share the results!


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