
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Slow weaving.....

I only got the first scarf woven on the warp this afternoon. I wove one heart motif, hemstitched and then started to weave again and could see that there was something wrong in the draft. I guess when downloading .wif files they need to be checked over carefully just like patterns in books or magazines, errors do happen. So, I shut everything off, took the laptop to the desk to figure it out. Took a while since I don't know the software very well yet but I straightened it out and got back to weaving. I didn't really mind terribly since it was a good learning experience. I also figured out why I only have 3 full hearts and half hearts on the edges.....I threaded the point twill starting with harness 1 instead of harness 24.....yeah, wasn't paying attention to the draft when I set up a point twill threading in the software for threading purposes....oh well, still am happy, live and learn. Sorry the picture isn't great, chose a color very close to the warp for a subtle effect.
This is the handspun I've been working on - this is the first 8oz spun, have another 8oz to go. It's hard to tell in this picture but each ply is a different shade of olive. My spinning looks different spinning on the electric spinner, gradually I'll get 'the feel' to get the twist I want.
This picture isn't very good - took it through the kitchen window but it's a huge pileated woodpecker. I hear and see them all the time up high in the trees but this one was almost at ground level. I tried to quietly open the door to sneak a picture from outside but he flew off as soon as I did.


  1. You know I think the weaving and spinning is gorchuss
    but I heading right to that handsome bird. Good for you on getting a pic. They are hard to capture. I hear and see them all the time up here too, but have as yet been unable to snap one camera wise. They look so positively prehistoric and big, very big!

  2. The spinning is fantastic. I like to do the same thing - make one ply slightly darker or lighter than the other. It's gives a faux shimmer effect. Love the scarf! I've had learning lessons like that myself. In fact, I seem to have one every time I weave.

  3. You've come so far with the loom already, the problems that you're having now are just little bumps in the road and I'm sure it's going to be smoother and smoother sailing from now on. I love the subtle difference between the warp and weft, even if it does make it hard to photograph.

    Lovely spinning! What fiber is it?

  4. Oh, I forgot to put what the fiber is - when I started spinning it I put it in a post. It's a merino/shetland blend from SporFarm.


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